
The Selfish Giant 自私的巨人

  A giant lives in a big house with a nice garden. Children like to play in the giant's garden. They go there every afternoon.

    The garden is lovely. There are nice, beautiful flowers in the garden. The flowers look like stars. There are peach trees in the garden, too. Their blossoms smell very sweet.

    The children are happy in the garden. They can climb the trees. They can listen to the birds sing. They run around and laugh.

One day, the giant comes home. He went away seven years ago. He went to see his friend. The giant sees the children in his garden, so he is very angry.

    "Why are you here?" he asks them. "This is my garden!"

    The children are frightened. They run away. The giant makes a big sign. It says, "Do Not Enter." He puts it on the gate outside his house. He is very selfish.

    Now the children have no place to play. The road is too dusty. The woods are too dark. The fields are too windy. They are not happy now.

    Soon, winter arrives. He makes the weather very cold. Everything is gray and quiet. Then, spring comes again. Everyone is happy to see her return. Fields become green. Flowers grow under every window. Birds fly around singing.

    In the giant's garden, the weather is still cold. Spring doesn't want to go there because the giant is too selfish. There are no birds there. A flower comes up from the ground. It sees the "Do Not Enter" sign on the gate.

  "The giant is very selfish," it thinks. "I will go back to sleep."

    The snow and the frost are happy. They don't like spring. They want to live in the giant's garden all year.

  "Spring has forgotten this garden," they cry. "We can stay here forever."

    The snow puts a white blanket on the ground. He doesn't want to see any flowers growing there. The frost paints all of the trees silver. She doesn't want any blossoms on the trees.

    The snow and the frost invite the North Wind. He comes into the garden. He is wearing a fur coat and hat. He blows all day in the giant's garden.

  "This is fun," roars the North Wind. "I'm so happy. I don't need to go to sleep this year!"

    The snow, the frost, and the North Wind invite the hail. For three hours, the hail rattles on the roof. He breaks some of the giant's windows. Then, he runs around and around in the garden. He likes being noisy.

    The giant is sitting at a window. He is looking at his cold, white garden. He feels confused.

  "Why is spring coming so late?" he thinks. "I hope the weather changes soon."

    But spring never comes. Summer never arrives, either. Fall stays away, too. They don't want to share their sweet fruit, warm weather and happy feelings with the selfish giant.

    One morning, the giant is lying in bed. He suddenly hears something. It sounds like a bird singing.

  "That is strange," he thinks. "I don't hear the wind blowing or the hail falling outside."

    The giant looks out his window. He sees some children sitting in the trees. The trees have blossoms growing on them. There are birds flying around and singing. Flowers and green grass cover the ground.

    In one corner, spring hasn't returned. A little boy is crying under a frozen tree there. He wants to climb the tree, but he is too short. The North Wind is blowing around him.

  "Climb up," says the tree to the boy.

  "I can't," cries the little boy. "I'm too short."

  The giant feels very sad for the boy.

  "Spring has not come to my garden. Now, I know why," he thinks. "I have been very selfish. I will put the poor little boy in the tree."

    Now the giant wants the children to play in his garden every day. He wants them to climb up into the trees. He wants them to run around and laugh. He wants them to be happy.

    The giant opens his door and goes out into the garden. When the children see the giant, they are scared and run away. They are not in the garden now. The snow, frost, and hail return.

    The little boy is still crying. The giant walks to the little boy. He picks him up, and puts him in the tree. Tree blossoms come out at once. Birds fly to the tree and begin singing.

    The little boy is very happy. He hugs the giant. The other children are watching. They are surprised. The giant has changed. They come back inside the garden.

    The giant talks to the children.

  "The garden is yours now," he tells them. "I will knock down the wall, so you can come here every day to play."

    The giant knocks down the wall. People are surprised to see the children playing in the garden. The children play there all day. The next day they come back, but the little boy is not with them. The giant feels sad.

  "Where is your little friend?" asks the giant. "Please ask him to come with you next time."

    The little children return to the garden every afternoon, but the little boy is never with them. The giant really wants to see his little friend. He misses him.

    Many years pass by. The giant gets old and weak. He can't play with children now. He sits in his big chair and watches the children play.

    The giant is happy because the children make him happy. "My garden has many pretty things in it," he thinks. "But the most beautiful flowers are the children."

    Winter comes again. The giant looks out his window. He sees the little boy standing under a tree. The tree has many blossoms on it.

    The giant is very excited. He runs downstairs and into the garden. He runs to his little friend and hugs him.

    The little boy speaks to the giant.

  "You are a good giant," he says. "Before, you helped me climb into the tree. Now you can come with me. We will live together in paradise forever."

     That afternoon, the children come to the garden. They find the giant. He is lying on the ground. Many white blossoms are on top of him. He is dead. There is a smile on his face.












































    創作者 barryfunenglish 的頭像

    倍立美語 BarryFunEnglish

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