Gulliver's Travels A Voyage to the Land of the Little People I am Lemuel Gulliver, and I am a doctor. I was born in London. I was the third of five brothers. I left school when I was seventeen years old, because my father was not rich. Several years later I went to Bristol. I had a friend there. He was the captain of a big ship. One day, he told me that he was going to sail soon for the South Seas, and that he needed a doctor on his ship. He asked me to be the doctor on the ship. I wanted to go abroad and see the world, so I accepted his offer. The name of the ship was the Antelope. We set out from Bristol on the 4th of May, 1699. Everything went well at first. But then a very heavy storm carried us off course. The ship struck a rock, and began to sink. Five of the crew and I threw a lifeboat into the sea. But we were not strong enough to manage the boat. Suddenly a strong wind turned it over and it sank. I swam as hard as possible for a long time. I could see none of the other men. Perhaps they were all drowned. I often put my feet down, but could feel no bottom. The sea was too deep. Finally I was not able to swim any longer. When I was so tired that I was ready to give up, I suddenly discovered I could touch the bottom. I waded in the shoal almost a mile before I got to dry land. Then I lay down on the short and soft grass. I was very tired, and soon I fell into a very deep sleep. When I awoke, the sun was shining above my head. I was lying on my back. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Then I found that my arms and legs were tied down to the ground with strings. My hair, too, was pinned down in the same way. After a few minutes, I heard some noise around me. Something climbed onto my leg and crept up to my chin. I turned my eyes only a little. It was a very little man. He was about six inches tall. He had a bow and arrow in his hands. He seemed to be a soldier. Then forty more little people climbed onto me. I thought that they were soldiers, too. I was so surprised that I shouted "Oh!" Then these people were very surprised, too. All of them jumped down from my body, but they soon came back. All the time, I was trying to break the ropes. At last, I broke one or two ropes, and I could move my left arm. I put out my hand and tried to catch some of the little men, but they all ran away before I could catch them. Then I heard a loud shout. I found that they were shooting at me. Some of the arrows went up into the air and came down on my face. They caused me great pain. I did not break any more ropes, and they shot no more arrows at me. I lay still and did not move. Then I heard a sound near my ear. I turned my head a little and saw that they were making a platform beside my head. It was large enough for four of the little people to stand upon. It was a foot and a half high. After the platform was built, several men fetched ladders and climbed up the ladders onto the platform. One of them was older than the others. He was dressed in a beautiful long coat. He said something in a loud voice. I did not understand the words. But I thought he said to me, "We will not do you any harm if you lie still. But you shall die if you don't." So I raised my hand to show that I understood him. I also put my hand to my mouth to show that I wanted something to eat. He gave some orders to the people around me. The little men fetched more ladders and leaned them against my sides. More than one hundred people climbed onto me. They carried baskets full of meat. At first I could not tell what the food was. There were things which looked like mice. They were cooked shoulders, legs, and loins of cows. I found that the things which looked like beans were chickens. I put two or three loaves of bread in my mouth at the same time. Then I showed them that I wanted something to drink. They brought me a barrel of wine, and they poured it into my mouth. I called for another barrel of wine, and they gave it to me. But when I called for still more, they showed me that they had no more. I finished my meal, and the men brought me some ointment. I put it on my hands and face, because they were still smarting. In a few minutes the pain went away. I was very tired, and soon I fell asleep. |
格列佛遊記 小人國遊記 我是列繆爾‧格列佛,我是位醫生。我出生於倫敦。家中五個兄弟中,我排行老三。因為父親並不富有,我在十七歲時就輟學了。數年後,我到布里斯托去。我在那兒有個朋友,他是一艘大船的船長。有一天,他告訴我他即將航行至南海,而且他的船上需要一位醫生。 他要求我在他船上當醫生。我想要出國看看這個世界,於是接受他的提議。 這艘的船名字是『羚羊號』。我們於一六九九年五月四日從布里斯托出發。起初一切都很順利。但是後來一場強烈的暴風雨把我們吹離了原來的航道。船撞上了礁石並開始下沉。五個船員和我丟下一艘救生艇到大海裡。但是在暴風雨中我們的力量卻不足以操控那艘救生艇。 突然間,一陣強風把救生艇吹翻,救生艇也就沉了。我拚命地游了很久。我沒看到其他人。或許他們都溺斃了。 我不時地把腳往下伸直,但踩不到底。海太深了。 最後我再也游不動了。我累得想放棄的時候,突然發現我可以踩到底了。我在淺灘中涉水幾乎一英里遠才到了陸地。然後我躺在短而柔軟的草地上。我疲累不堪,很快就沉沉入睡了。 我醒來時,太陽在我頭上照耀著。我仰臥在地上。我設法起身,但是起不來。這時我才發現我的手臂和腿都被人用細繩子綁在地上。連我的頭髮也被用同樣的模式固定在地上。 幾分鐘後,我聽到我周遭有一陣吵雜的聲音。有東西爬到我的腿上,又往上朝我的下巴爬行。我稍微轉了一下眼睛。原來是個小人兒。他只有約六英寸高。他手持弓箭,似乎是名士兵。之後又有四十個小人爬到我身上。我想他們也是士兵。我嚇了一跳,大叫一聲『喔﹗』然後,這些人也非常吃驚。所有的人從我身上跳下來,但是很快地他們又爬了上來。 我一直設法要扯斷繩子。最後,我扯斷一、兩條繩子,我可以挪動我的左手了。我伸出手,想要抓住一些小人兒,但是他們都在我能抓到他們之前就逃開了。 然後我聽到一聲大叫。我發覺他們對著我射箭。有些箭飛入空中,再射在我的臉上,使我感到非常疼痛。我不再扯斷繩子,他們也不再用箭射我。我躺著一動也不動。 然後我聽到耳邊有聲音。我稍微轉頭,看見他們正在我的頭旁邊架設一個檯子。這個檯子大得足以容納四個小人站在上面,高有一英尺半。檯子築好後,幾個小人搬來梯子,他們沿梯爬到檯子上。 其中有一人年紀比其他人大。他穿了一件漂亮的長上裝。他大聲地說了一些話。我聽不懂這些話。但我想他是在對我說︰『如果你躺著不動,我們就不會傷害你。但如果你不肯的話,只有死路一條。』所以我舉手表示我瞭解。 我也把手放到嘴巴上,表示我想要吃點東西。他下達命令給我周遭的那些人。那些小人拿來更多的梯子倚靠在我的身體兩側。有一百多人爬到我身上。 他們拿來裝滿肉的籃子。起初我無法分辨那是什麼食物。有些東西看起來像老鼠。這些食物是煮過的牛肩肉、腿肉和腰肉。我發現那些看起來像豆子的是雞肉。我一下子放了兩、三條麵包在我嘴裡。 然後我向他們表示我要喝點東西。他們拿來一桶酒倒在我的嘴裡。我要求再來一桶酒,他們也給了我。但是當我再要求時,他們表示沒有了。 我用完餐後,那些人拿給我一些藥膏,我把藥膏擦在我的手和臉上,因為傷口還很痛。 幾分鐘後傷口不痛了。我很累,不久就睡著了。 |
*美語會說 才是王道悅讀英文 更是上道 *
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